How to Drain iPhone Battery Fast?

Draining your battery fast is actually pretty easy – all you need to do is use up all of the power that’s stored in it. Of course, this isn’t something that you’d want to do on purpose, but if you’re in a situation where you need to get rid of your phone’s charge quickly (say, you’re about to board a plane and can’t have your phone turned on during take-off), then there are a few ways to make it happen.

In this post, you will know about the ways you can do it. Read the full article if you want the full step-by-step guide.

How Do I Drain My iPhone Battery Fast?

How Do I Drain My iPhone Battery Fast?If you’re looking to get the most out of your iPhone battery, there are a few things you can do to drain it faster. By following these tips, you can ensure that your battery will drain fully:

1. Use up all of your battery power

This one is pretty self-explanatory – just keep using your phone until it runs out of juice. Whether you’re making calls, browsing the web, watching videos, or playing games, keeping your screen brightness turned up high will help speed things along.

2. Remove any external batteries or charging cases

If you’ve got an external battery pack or charging case for your phone, now is the time to take them off. The extra power they provide will only prolong the inevitable drain of your internal battery.

3. Turn on every unnecessary feature and apps

Any features or apps that are running in the background (even if you’re not actively using them) will continue to consume battery power. So before you start draining your battery intentionally, go through and enable anything that doesn’t need to be active at the moment.

4. Use bright wallpapers and themes

Using bright or live wallpapers and themes can really drain your battery quickly.

5. Enable always-on display

Many phones have an always-on display feature that will show the time and any notifications you have even when the phone is inactive. This can be a great way to stay on top of things, but it also uses up a lot of battery power.

Apps That Drain iPhone Battery Fast

Apps That Drain iPhone Battery Fast

When it comes to apps that drain your iPhone battery fast, there are a few that stand out from the pack. Here are five of the worst offenders:

1. Facebook – It’s no secret that Facebook is a battery hog on both Android and iOS devices.
In fact, it’s one of the most common complaints about the app. There are a few reasons for this, including constant refreshing of content and background activity (even when you’re not using the app).

2. Snapchat – Like Facebook, Snapchat is also known for being a major battery drainer. This is due in part to its use of augmented reality features and filters, which require more processing power than regular photos or videos. Additionally, snaps that are sent with “live” filters enabled will continue to use up battery life even after they’ve been viewed since those filters need to be processed in real-time.

3. Google Maps – GPS apps can be big drains on your battery, and Google Maps is no exception. When used for extended periods of time, especially with live traffic updates enabled, Google Maps can quickly sap your iPhone’s power supply dry.

4. Instagram – Like other social media apps, Instagram can take a toll on your iPhone’s battery life thanks to its heavy use of graphics and animations. And if you have push notifications enabled for new likes or comments, that can add even more strain on your device as it constantly has to check for new data in the background.

Does Bold Text Drain iPhone Battery?

Does Bold Text Drain iPhone Battery?When it comes to battery life, every little bit counts. So does using bold text on your iPhone affect battery life? The short answer is no – using bold text does not have a significant impact on your iPhone’s battery life.

However, there are a few factors that can affect how much power your device uses when displaying text. For one, the size of the font can make a difference. Larger fonts require more power to display than smaller ones, so if you’re looking to save some battery, it’s best to stick with smaller fonts.

Additionally, the color of the text can also affect power consumption. darker colors like black or navy blue require more power than lighter colors like white or yellow. Finally, the number of characters in a piece of text can also play a role in how much power it takes to display it.

Longer pieces of text will generally use more power than shorter ones. So if you’re trying to squeeze some extra juice out of your iPhone’s battery, stick with small fonts and short pieces of text. And don’t worry about using bold – it won’t drain your battery any faster.


Finally, use your phone as much as possible! Play games, watch videos, and browse the web to help speed up the process. Once your battery is fully drained, recharge it to 100% as quickly as possible.

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